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I've finally done it!

2,039 Gms110203  4.0 years ago

My experimental line of fighter aircraft are now capable of completely out competing the F22 Raptor in every sense. My latest aircraft, the SS-7I Talon is able to outmaneuver, outrun, and outgun the F22 completely. For example; the F22 has a top speed of 1,500 mph at 30,000 feet. Meanwhile mine has a top speed of 2,647 mph at 30,000 feet. The Talon can easily maintain a tail position on the F22 whilst in a turning battle. Every dogfight I have put the SS-7I Talon in against the F22, it has won. Every single one. The SS-7I Talon is the ultimate in combat aviation. if you want to test your designs against mine (good luck) you can get it at,