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How to make a newer version of the same plane.

19.5k Kroixo  4.0 years ago

Sorry for the bad title. Here is the problem. I have released a lot of builds im proud of and i have put much work into almost every one. But there are a few ones where i would like to publish them again with a few fixes. How do i make it so when i release a fixed version of a plane it makes it so you get moved to that one if you try to visit the old post? Please help. If you dont understand what i mean then try asking me in the comments. Tanks

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    (Build req) make the sikorsky s61n klm

    4.0 years ago
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    19.5k Kroixo

    @UsualPiooneer Thank you very much sir! May i wish a fantastic weekend

    4.0 years ago
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    19.5k Kroixo

    @UsualPiooneer So i just put in the link from the new build there?

    4.0 years ago