I have about 20GB available RAM but SP only takes 100MB.
This makes me lag.
Can you allocate more RAM through Dev Console?
How to allocate more RAM in Simpleplanes?
3,787 Planicopter
3.9 years ago
I have about 20GB available RAM but SP only takes 100MB.
This makes me lag.
Can you allocate more RAM through Dev Console?
@plane634 idk, could be the vram. My game never lags (even though I currently have a 560 lol (got a 3060 now in my new pc, gotta install windows though))
What graphics card do you have?, from what I've learned RAM has close to nothing to do with a game's performance, it's VRAM that does (which is part of the graphics card), so perhaps that 100mb is not RAM, but the VRAM
@Planicopter my pc be lag-free with 4 GB ram LOL
@Tookan @Teitochi Yo my cp laggin even thou I have 20gb ramm
You complaining about 20GB of RAM while I barely care about lag at 2GB, lol