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Bug from years ago still exists. Solutions? (I have updated the game)

128 MrEpic  4.1 years ago

I stopped playing Simpleplanes a year or two ago due to a bug in the plane builder screen where whenever I would mouse over a button (any button) the button would vanish. I could still click the buttons (most of them, anyway) but they just weren't being rendered for some reason. It was/is really annoying. I went to reopen the game today figuring that "surely that bug must be fixed by now", but nope, it's still there.
I have disabled all mods, restarted my computer many times over the last 2 years, and a bunch of other things, all to no avail. Does anyone have a solution for this, please? My computer specs and info are below.

Thanks in advance

I'm using version of the game.
I have steam set to auto update it, so I believe this should be the most recent version.

--- Computer Hardware ---
Computer Type: Dell G7 7588
Processor: Intel Core i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.21GHz
Installed RAM: 32 GB (31.8 GB usable)
System Type: 64-bit OS, x64-based processor

--- Memory –--
Internal SSD: Max: 256 GB (Usable: 224 GB) (Available: 22 GB)
Internal HDD: Max: 2 TB (Usable: 1.81 TB) (Available: 55.9 GB)
External HDD: Max: 8 TB (Usable: 7.27 TB) (Available: 6.22 TB)

--- Computer Software ---
OS Type: Windows
Edition: Windows 10 Home
Version: 20H2
OS Build: 19042.804

Note: update to post is in the comments

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    6,983 Kwoshent

    Y'know what's worse than that?



    4.1 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    Maybe just make sure it's the latest update, maybe steam didn't do what it was supposed to.

    4.1 years ago
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    10.2k Sparky6004

    I would unfortunately have to say you may need to reinstall the game. It seems like a download issue. I’ve never stumbled across this bug before but that’s all I can suggest. I hope it’s fixed soon for you.
    Edit: nevermind I just saw that you said you did. Hopefully they’ll fix it.

    +6 4.1 years ago
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    Ok that's hella weird
    I've played on all platforms on 6 different devices and haven't come across that issue before :(
    One thing I do get though is the buttons disappearing in the control configurator when I click them. Like, this exact bug, but only there.

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    128 MrEpic

    I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game (which im shocked I didn't think to try earlier, or maybe I did try it and just forgot) but that didn't fix it. Also, some clarification:

    When I mouse over a button in the editor, the icon (and/or text) on the button disappears, but when I click the button, the whole button actually disappears.

    As somebody who uses the Unity engine on almost a daily basis, this sounds to me like it might be a null reference error. It sounds like some internal code may be trying to access the variations of the button sprite (like a mouse-over variation and/or a button clicked variation) and be unable to find them or possibly have a incorrect/invalid sprite assigned to those Image class variables.

    That is just my speculation based on my experience but, without seeing the internal code itself (which I probably won't be able to do for legal reasons) I can't speculate any more than that.

    4.1 years ago