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(The Krakabloan Democrat, March 8 2021) AeroKrak and KAD Decommissioning J-30-400s Due to Design Flaw

3,446 SheriffHackdogMCPE  3.8 years ago

Welcome to the Krakabloan Democrat, the Supreme Minister's state owned newspaper.

AeroKrak J30-400 at Wright/Prosperity Airport shortly before takeoff to China, 23 October 2020
Today, AeroKrak held a meeting whether J30-400s will be put for rigorous maintenance or decommissioning, due to its design flaw in pitch when flaps and trim are being engaged. The airline reported 3 aircraft unexpectedly stalling mid air or during landing, which has injured 35 passengers in total. Due to the circumstances involving the aircraft, AeroKrak was pelted with lawsuits over the past months by its passengers who flew on the aircraft involved and accused the airline of corporate irresponsibility, negligence on their fleet, and manslaughter. One such incident in 2019 was flight AK487 to Jathiwa when at FL380 (38,000 feet above sea level) suddenly pitched up, stalled, and fell into a spin, they fell 10,000 feet but at 28,000, the pilots took advantage of the problem and were able to regain control of the aircraft, and narrowly avoided a possible plane crash. The flight safely continued to its destination with most of its passengers taken to the hospital for treatment. The J30-400s were first flown by AeroKrak in 2008, with 28 aircraft added into the fleet.

The Supreme Minister, which was also on the same aircraft model that crashed 4 months ago, called Hakdog Aerospace and Democratic Aviation Ministry, to do investigation, diagnosis, and preventive maintenance to all of AeroKrak's J30s and the KAD's presidential aircraft which was also showing some signs of pitch problems. The Supreme Democracy Party, which manages the airline as a government owned company, will decide whether the aircraft will continue their maintenance or being decommissioned. The airline said in a online statement on its website that if decommissioned, will find an available replacement for the aircraft to avoid causing more serious harm and life threatening situations to its customers and to ensure safety on the airline. Supreme Minister SheriffHackdogMCPE threatened CMAircraftManufacturing, the plane's manufacturer, to take down the agreement if the all of the aircraft in AeroKrak's fleet manufactured by the said company shows signs of the same mechanical flaw.

Heil Hackdog!