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9,153 GriffithAir  9.2 years ago

People I really miss the old times on this server how people were nicer and didn't always copy people's planes and say it is theirs without a modification. The days where it took time to make things. People some people still do that and anything you see you like just help them out with a upvote, they might have even built it by 1X1 blocks. The times when the resizable blocks were not here we could think different make it look cooler or funnier and it was just so much fun in the old days of SimplePlanes before the resizable blocks. One thing I have noticed is how much things and people change when you get older and life is just different. I just miss the old days. The days were I was playing this game and others and I was going to a different school with the greatest of friends someone could have a future girlfriend. Why does life change so much and why do parents have to ruin our life's. While I typing this I am remembering my childhood as a kid not a teen and I am crying too because life was the best when I was young and I had the greatest friends. Put in what you miss in your life in the comments. My animals and family that died I miss the most out of my life like the greatest dog in the world that I ever meet that died a year ago, I just miss them so much when I hear their name or think about them I cry. What I am saying is I have been through a lot and I need help and my parents/stepparents have have had two divorces, my life sucks.

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    Yeah, I miss the old days, before the fuselage update, when we were only a few people. But some of the new players are pretty awesome people who make wonderful creations. The only thing I hate about some of the new people are that they copy planes and take all the credit.

    8.9 years ago
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    9,153 GriffithAir

    Hey @bobthetitan how are you doing bud and it is kinda funny remembering @Delphinus in silver because he is now with the stars, when simpleplanes was younger, those were the best times

    8.9 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @JacobHardy64 Lol. I honestly do not know. Go right ahead if you want.

    9.2 years ago
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    25.2k JacobHardy64

    Want me to make an old fashioned challenge? Only parts from 1.1? @NovaTopaz

    9.2 years ago
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    1,535 humangrenade

    @Griffith me too

    9.2 years ago
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    9,153 GriffithAir

    @Snipe121314 I know how you feel because when I was three my parents got divorced and it still haunts me

    9.2 years ago
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    9,153 GriffithAir

    @humangrenade yep and sorry for your loss and I hate when animals die

    9.2 years ago
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    9,153 GriffithAir

    @Frostx27 I miss that

    9.2 years ago
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    1,535 humangrenade

    @Griffith I know how you feel when you lose a furry friend my cat Mia(age 16 years ) died last year😢 may she rest in peace😢😢

    9.2 years ago
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    1,160 Frostx27

    Time passes by....... BUT WHERES THE DUMMY!!!!!!

    9.2 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    hasn't changed a lot if you ask me, though the general is finaly gone

    9.2 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @BardofBricks Ok? And going back to the stone age of simple planes isn't the stone age. The aircraft aren't made of stone :P Still computer data no matter how you look at it, even in it's most pirimitive form. But let's be honest, the game is great just the way it is. I think he was more refering to, like, the community and website.

    9.2 years ago
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    11.6k Sol


    9.2 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @qazproductions Meh, it happens to the best of us, lol.

    9.2 years ago
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    146k Feanor

    @NovaTopaz I'm talking about that website. Though I may have remembered wrongly.

    9.2 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @qazproductions there was accounts back then, if your talking about this website. Sub-reddit... who knows.

    9.2 years ago
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    146k Feanor

    I remember when accounts didn't exist and all the planes were from anonymous users.

    9.2 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    I remember when the rating system didn't exist, or comments, lol. Over a year has passed since I've joined(not much more, though). I can remember A LOT of things. Of course, I went inactive for 3 months over the summer, but Tbh, I needed a break from SP. It was getting on my nerves that I still so low in the rating system(plus other stuff). I didn't have my macbook for the entire summer, and an iPad Mini isn't exactly a great building tool(and submitting stuff is even more of a pain), so yeah. And then there was the really old days, where there was no rotators, no float blocks, just some parts and crazy ideas(plus building with additions to aircraft and really sharing our ideas.). I prefer to not talk about my personal life on the internet, so nothing on that. And then there was BSC... Still have it, still building in it(w/mods). But there is some things that will continue to change. Simple Planes is one of them. Personally, I've regained faith in the community. It's almost back to the level of professionalism and sharing that it was over a year ago. The community has stabilized, so to speak. Of course, there is probably going to be a rush of people when SP releases on Steam, but the community will remain stable. And there will be new parts or more land that will make SP an even greater game. So all we can do now, at least as a community, look to the future, not back at the past. The past is in the past, the future is the future, and we can't keep our regrets. We can laugh, and joke, and look back on the past, but we can't let it effect the future.

    9.2 years ago
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    I still remember when @Delphinus was still silver lol. I feel old

    9.2 years ago
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    I miss the good old days too...

    9.2 years ago
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    9,153 GriffithAir

    @dsr1aviation ok man

    9.2 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation

    Theres still a lot of ups and downs left mate just roll with the punches or it will knock you around. :)

    9.2 years ago
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    9,153 GriffithAir

    @DeezDucks wow and I just started crying again about me losing my dog Tanky, he was the best dog I have ever had

    9.2 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    @Griffith Lol using peripheral vision to fly and do stuff is kind of second nature to me. I do Air Cadets where they teach us to use peripheral vision to keep in dress with your flight. It kinda helps with flying XD

    9.2 years ago
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    9,153 GriffithAir

    @DeezDucks wow and that is hard reading and flying

    9.2 years ago
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