Everyone steals eachothers things make it less complicated then post it and say it theres!!! So anoying even to new players 2 people have just ripped off my projects and say its theres or 'improved' even though it flys pefectly remove the bombs then say its improved -_- do u have the same feeling?!?! Comment!
Yes someone stole my plane and said it was theirs
nobody has copied me
I don't ask to use a design but I do give credit.
Just remember to mention them and you will be fine. Also making it a successor helps the original builder too @Stampede
I absolutely agree, so annoying when they don't credit you
Yes. They ruin in every time.
I mean like copyied the EXACT same thing@Patton283
Thats fine@Patton283
to much:copycats :D@Rohan
I know thats the one im talking about and thanks for being against it :D@DeezDucks
This guy stolw your city bomber saying "It's all mine :)" lol the guy thought the devs wouldn't think of people doing that.
now i know how it felt like a copycat so i deleted all those fake projects@Cjredwards
Lol............... I did that once then i just deleted it lol@Cjredwards
Thanks man haha! The worst though is when someone that's been playing for a while just takes the cockpit off subassemblies it and just makes a new cockpit to put on it so you can't track it lol.@ProKillaV12
But it is so annoying especially new players they think it wont show the successor so they just say its 'all mine ;-)'@Cjredwards
Nice car in the pic lol@Cjredwards
I agree!!!!!!😡
Thanx @icecoldlava
Yeah, it's kinda annoying but as dsr said, that's why we have mods.
@dsr1aviation congrats on gold
No probs mate
Thanks for your support!@dsr1aviation
I kinda agree. Its not fair to give no credit to the original builder when using their designs. But that is why there is mods and devs so i dont really concern myself with it. But i do agree :)