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A little help

3,763 ThatKindaWeeb  3.7 years ago

[READ IF YOU CARE] Okay, I'm making my first plane, but, I want it to be... More of a test bed of sorts. Something to use for educational purposes. I need help from anybody who's generally a professional in Funky Trees.

Reason being, logic. This plane is a bomber, and a bomber needs a proper form of defense. That's where you'll come in, obviously, its impossible to control multiple things at a time, while focusing on multiple targets, but that's what AI is for right? so that's why I'm asking anyone whose good with Funky Trees for help,

So here's what I need,
•a turret algorithm that can auto lead its target.
•a turret algorithm capable of hitting a target from 1NM to 0.1NM of your vicinity.

If you could, please put the algorithms in your comment, along with which turret it is for, and what requirements are needed for it to function nominally.

And lastly, I will consider this a collaboration effort and will credit everyone who provides a sufficient algorithm.

Now, here are the turrets, I will label all their stats.

Type: ball turret
Ammunition velocity: 850m/s
Azimuth range: 360°
Zenith range: 80°max(up) 0°min(down)

Type: ball turret
Ammunition velocity: 850m/s
Azimuth range: 85°
Zenith range: 80°max -16°min

Type: ball turret
Ammunition velocity: 850m/s
Azimuth range: 85°
Zenith range: 80°max -5°min