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The Nation Tonight Headlines March 19 2021

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.0 years ago


Krakabloan Democratic Police Force, Krakabloan Democratic Army now carrying early preparations for Holy Week
Wright Iles Shipping to revamp Wright Isles-Krakabloa Nautical Highway project
23 dead in bus-military truck head on collision in Democratic Federal Route 1 in Suicide Trench
CyberTrends: Indian call scammers plague 73.5 percent of Krakabloa's population, says group of cybersecurity experts
Now broadcasting from TVKrakabloa Wright Town, This is The Nation Tonight, the most trusted news source.

Welcome to The Nation Tonight, we are live on air throughout Krakabloan Federation, and in the whole world, from Wright Town. Time Check is 7:04pm. This is Paul Green and im Jane Kirk. Before the break, here's the feedback question:

Uhh, we have encountered an earthquake in the studio, the lights overhead are shaking, -I think we need to get under the desk. Please stay safe, stay clear of anything that might fall, follow earthquake procedures such as duck, cover and hold. Disaster alert level is potentially destructive, areas affected: Wright Town, Suicide Trench Tribal Autonomous Region, and Wright Isles Rural Area. When the shaking stops, walk, run or drive to the nearest designated open areas. Stay tuned for more earthquake and tsunami information as we shall be on the air every hour. If a tsunami is expected to occur, immediately go to higher places. Thank you for your cooperation. Heil Hackdog!