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3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.0 years ago

(7:10pm) SonicAlert Message

The Ministry of Disaster Risk
Management has detected a 6.7 tectonic type earthquake at 19:06, epicenter in the coast of Wright Town. List of areas affected:

Wright Town

Historic Wright Town
Downtown Wright Town
Wright Town Coastal Area
Wright Airport Area
Wright Town Hillside Lower Class Community

Wright Isles Rural Area

Suicide Trench Tribal Autonomous Region
People in town, cities, and tribal communities in affected area(s) are strictly recommended to seek urgent evacuation for urgent safety reasons. A tsunami may hit due to location of the epicenter being at sea. If it occurs seek safety in higher ground. Stay tuned for more information.
(message sent 7:10pm)

Heil Hackdog!

(8:15pm) SonicAlert Message

A 12-foot tsunami has been detected moving west towards Wright Isles. List of areas affected. (Estimated time of direct tsunami hits are mentioned)
12ft 8:21pm All divisions of Wright Town
8ft 8:30pm Wright Isles Rural Area
3ft 8:40 pm Suicide Trench Tribal Autonomous Region
People from areas affected should seek safety in higher ground. One big hill of massive amounts of seawater will ultimately facilitate loss of life, livelihood and property. Please immediately seek safety immediately. Stay tuned for more tsunami information.
(message sent 8:15pm)

Heil Hackdog!