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New building techniques

81.6k Himynameiswalrus  3.9 years ago

So, Im back from a very very long break from the game, and I have also moved from IOS to pc. I am kind of lost when it comes to new building techniques. Are there any specific tips and tricks I should know for making things look cleaner and keeping parts count down while still making something impressive looking?

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    20.3k MAINE

    @Ruvien0Republic0Officer That glass opacity TWO TONE trick is new to me and I love it.

    3.9 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    I presume the main thing you'd be after is glass, and also the smoothing feature I added at the same time which makes the shading of connected fuselages smoother.

    3.9 years ago
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    31.9k flame0w

    And you ask for a cleaner build with less part?



    well the only thing you can do is download planes from users and learn its building techniques...
    I recommend checking out my builds, or maybe check out @Inuyasha8215 or @BlackThuNDR builds :D simple but detailed

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    31.9k flame0w

    hello, welcome back buddy! i never knew who you are, nor even know that you existed... but welcome back! so first thing first in the list.... Drama yes thats what you need to know... SP Community is facing quite a drama here and there, not really good eh, but dont worry! moderators and developers are trying its best to stop the Dramas...


    Second , new parts!.... yes! you may have a look at the designer and theres couple of new parts... check it out! :D


    Third, dont be annoyed by the German Corsair it will start more drama, we all annoyed bout it but hey....


    Four, theres only 2 ways to get lots of upvotes!
    1. Make a highly as highly detailed build with 1000++ part, good thing ppl like ur builds! bad thing... there might be some mobile users disagree...
    2. make a stupid meme build and tag thousand of ppl, good thing you may get 200 upvotes, bad thing you ask? well u will be hated by the community....


    Five....... ENJOY!... 😸

    +5 3.9 years ago