PLEASE, Do not up vote because that's not what this is about
lately there has been a lot of hatred and violence aimed at police officers.
Television, Social media and in the streets... Do some individual police officers do the wrong things sometimes.. of course they do, this is true of all groups from race to religion. Good people who became a police officer for all the right reasons are being hated and targeted for all the wrong reasons , and that in my eyes is unacceptable. No one wants a parking ticket or a fine but for a moment think about how the world would be without police officers... not good.. They risk their lives.. they work long hours.. and they are grossly underpaid.. yet they continue to serve.. the point being that no one rarely if ever tells them thanks or good job but a lot of people want to hate them all because of the actions of a few...
if you appreciate them , go out of your way to let one know..
sorry, political rant... all done.
Thanks to the men and women of law enforcement.
You can't really blame them after the ISIS attacks though. @SkyCruiser
Here's a hypothetical scenerio. A Mexican crosses the border and ends up in a town in California. The Mexican has a gun and is dealing drugs. A policeman deports him. Is that "not very nice"? @NewAir
During the time that US soldiers were in Iraq, more US citizens were killed by policemen than the amount of soldiers that died in Iraq. Based on this statistic, one could argue that police are a big threat to society.
I upvoted because I want other people to see this. I hope all officers get the respect they deserve.
420 BLAZE IT. Fuk da police m8. I'll 360 noscope their moms in the middle of a WWE ladder match while I take the title from JOHN CENAAAA!
you got my respect bro.
Ya making a generalization about police is just as bad as racism that very few police show