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64.2k PapaKernels  4.0 years ago

First off thank you to everyone who has entered, it went way better than I could have expected! My next challenge will be soon, but I wont reveal anything yet.

on to the results!


15/25 - first impressions: looks good, but definitely lacking details, and overall quality.
40/50 - looks: has the look of an ultralight, just not that detailed, would have liked to seen a bit more like tubular structure, not square.
90/100 - flight: flight is very fun, its definitely a fun little aircraft, I would have liked to have a lower takeoff speed for an aircraft that looks like this
10/25 - details: details are really bad, bearly any details
45/50 plausibility: definitely plausible, takeoff speed will need to be more but its really handles well
This is a well performing aircraft, not a good looking aircraft, it could definitely use alot more detail.
FINAL SCORE: 200/250


25/25 - first impressions: looks amazing! I love the little touches like the glass over the lights
35/50 - looks: has the look of an ultralight, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for, like NotSoNormalPioneer said its really suppose to be more like flying sticks with wings, but still looks awesome
80/100 - flight: flight is good, but slow, an almostlight is supposed to be about 100mph faster than that. Other than that its perfect, pitch is perfect, has a slow roll rate but it's still good, floaty af, and is alot of fun to flop around with.
20/25 - details: details are perfect! The glass over the lights, the striping, and even some of the small little details make this an amazing aircraft to look at. I love how you modeled brakes on the gear. My only complaint is that all of the gold trim peices stick out quite a bit, it could have been worked into the body more.
45/50 plausibility, its definitely plausible, just that the speed is not really up to what I was looking for, but it still is a fun aircraft to fly.
Final score!
205/250 very well done on this, it's very well made. It's an amazing aircraft to fly, just not exactly what I was looking for. AWESOME JOB!!


25/25 - first impressions: looks amazing! My eyes instantly get drawn to the massive engine!
45/50 - looks: has the looks of an ultralight! More like an ultralight on steroids with the way the engine looks lol. If it were me I would have the wings slant up
90/100 - flight: flight is awesome! Love the way it handles, but for me with such a powerful looking engine i think I could be a bit faster, but hey that's just me. The turning radius is so tight, especially with yaw.
25/25 - details: details are perfect! Engine looks amazing! The wings all look amazing, the cockpit is very nicely designed, the yaw pedal position is a bit weird to me but it makes sence.
47/50 plausibility: it is most definitely plausible irl!! I would maybe add a few more dials and stuff to the dash though.
Overall an amazing looking aircraft! Nice work!
Total score: 232/250

N-(SWL)-140 "OWL" Almostlight

20/25 - first impressions: looks good but not really impressive
30/50 - looks: not really, looks like it could be taken out on the water.
80/100 - flight: flight is good, pitch so heavy, roll is sluggish af, some pitch should be transferred to roll so it's a bit better. Power is right at 175 as is the drag so it's just barely complying.
15/25 - details: details are mediocre, could be better.
40/50 plausibility, it could be, just some refinements and other stuff would need to happen.
185/250 good job, just really doesn't look like anything that I'm looking for.


20/25 - first impressions: looks really nice! It is definitely a good looking bird. Cockpit is really the only thing I could complain about.
40/50 - looks: has the look of an ultralight I would say! Definitely alot simpler than I would want.
90/100 - flight: flight is FUN AF!!! this thing is alot of fun to play around with, the speed is right where I was wanting it, and the maneuverability is above my expectations! Well done on it! I really have no complaints other than the takeoff speed being a bit more, but you could have fixed that by moving the rear gear up slightly.
20/25 - details: details are good, the logo on the main wings and the vertical stabilizer is very interesting, the way the engine is done is quite intriguing, would be cool to see it move. The doors open kinda fast In my opinion, but that's just me. Overall a well made aircraft, could use an instrument panel, that's really my only complaint.
42/50 plausibility, i would say it could be plausible irl, I would personally not have a light on the control stick, but that's just me. Also a control panel would be needed so we know how fast were flying!
I really like the plane, its alot of fun to fly and just flop around. The exposed springs kinda trump the style of the aircraft, and I think a bit more details would have been beneficial like an instrument panel.
Overall score: 212/250


25/25 - first impressions: looks amazing! It looks so good!
50/50 - looks: definitely looks like a very funky ultralight, so good job there!
50/100 - flight: this is where you loss the most points, the flight model is quite lacking considering the look of the aircraft. The roll rate is SLOWWWW!! it is so annoying to me, i feel it should be alot better. Me I want some yaw, and no yaw is sad to me. Stall and all that is very good though.
25/25 - details: details are amazing!!!!! The cockpit is amazingly detailed, dials, engine switches, yolk, seats, everything was detailed to perfection! The wings have the right shape, and no stock wing peices stick out!
47/50 plausibility, it is most definitely plausible irl!! Just that it would need a much faster roll and pitch rate.
The aircraft is very nice, just the roll rate is bad, other than that it's a very well made aircraft!
Total score: 197/250


20/25 - first impressions: looks good, but on closer examination it's got some flaws
35/50 - looks: has the look of an ultralight alright!! The main fuselage is just blocks, and the front dash I guess you could call it is kinda just plopped there. The engine details tho are amazing, I love the look of the engine. The back structure looks kinda thick, could have been thinner.
85/100 - flight: flight feels really good, stall speed is acceptable, but if it could be lower it would be better. Overall the flight experience is fun, trim is needed, but it's not bad. The plane looses speed quicker than it should, it should have a slow speed loss, drag could have been more towards 160-190.
20/25 - details: engine details like I said are amazing, love the look of it. Would have been better if you could have made the wings have custom control surfaces and all that. The primary wings are blocky, should have been smoother, with a more traditional wing shape.
35/50 plausibility: it could be plausible irl, but it would need alot, like better looking fuselage and all.
This is honestly a fairly good aircraft, just some things I think could be better, like the engine hp, 155hp is WAY to much for a single piston engine, it should be more like maybe 30 tops.

Final score:195/250 respectable, but definitely could have been better.


10/25 - first impressions: not the prettiest thing in the world, not to impressed
10/50 - looks: looks more like a simplified ww2 fighter than it does an ultralight
30/100 - flight: roll is slow af, pitch is pretty bad but is better than the roll, the speed is good and honestly the best part of the flight, drag is WAY over what it should be, not impressive.
5/25 - details: details are basically non existent, barely any details, honestly not very good
20/50 plausibility, not really, maybe if it had more of a structure, and has a roll rate better than one roll in 20 minutes.
75/250 not to impressed with the quality, I think you could do better If you try a bit harder.


20/25 - first impressions: looks awesome! Exactly what I'm looking for, and has the perfect look, the front glass is a bit long in my opinion, so it kinda deprives the look. If you could have made it more rounded then it would definitely be better.
45/50 - looks: definently has the looks of an ultralight, and is a really unique shape, just the cockpit glass is what is pulling me away.
90/100 - flight: flight is awesome, pitch is good, roll is good, drag points are good, power for each engine is right at 100hp so its perfect.
20/25 - details: I absolutely love that control stick, its really cool to watch, the door right behind the cockpit is a great touch. Could have used a bit of striping on the bits of fuselage, as well as adding some structure to the long glass in the front as it looks odd with out anything holding it up. I noticed on landing that if you dont land it perfectly level it shows it's a bit unstable in the rear, I would have liked it to be alot stabler when you dont land so level, that's really the only part you lost points on.
40/50 plausibility, very plausible, I would fly this, just if the front glass is a bit shorter, and its gear is a bit more stable.
225/250 it's a very well made aircraft, details could be more, but all in all it's a very fun aircraft to fly, if this doesn't win a top prize it will definitely win my favorite. Awesome aircraft!








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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @Sarnnox good job for winning!
    @Esjope your second!
    @DumbPlaneMaker your 3rd!
    @Chrisk1993 you were my favorite build!
    Good job all!

    Pinned 4.0 years ago
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    2,864 Esjope

    @PapaKernels ok

    4.0 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @Esjope ok, tag me then!

    4.0 years ago
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    2,864 Esjope

    @PapaKernels i will probably re do it whit the new things I learned

    4.0 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @Esjope it was a very nice aircraft, I really liked it, it was so much fun to fly, thank you for your participation!

    4.0 years ago
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    2,864 Esjope

    First time on a podium

    4.0 years ago