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(The Nation Tonight Mar 27 2021) Right Engine Damaged During Hard Landing on AeroKrak Flight

3,510 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.0 years ago

Hard landing caused damage on right engine on AeroKrak flight to Snowstone. Lucas Davidson reporting live from Avalanche Airport.

Damaged right engine, with it's back engine cover missing

The undamaged left engine
Today, an AeroKrak J30-500 operating flight AK/AKF673 had its own right turbofan engine damaged during touchdown at Avalanche Airport, last evening. The flight was flying the WGT (Prosperity Airport in Wright Town)-AVL (Avalanche Airport in Snowstone Republic) route. During the time of incident, it was foggy and the visibility was at 721m. Upon touchdown, a loud thud, similar to a loud doorknock, was heard.
Passenger: oh shi-
Passenger: Now that's what I call dribble
After touchdown, the aircraft was reported shaking for 5 seconds.

The flight safely reached its destination in one piece and the passengers were not found a single scratch, but the morning shots of the involved aircraft was not a pleasant sight. The back cover (that connects to the front, the engine acts like an accordion to indicate reverse thrust deployment) was found lying on the middle of the runaway, the "accordion" was ripped on impact. The left tire of the right landing gear has blown out, while the left landing gear had their tire pressure altered due to the hard landing. There were Muslims on the plane heading to Snowstone for meetings between their religious organization and government and the country's religious organizations. They posted on VK, with the title, "Our plane we rode to Snowstone had mechanical difficulties. Luckily thanks to God that we and the other passengers had reached their destination safe and sound." AeroKrak posted an online statement on its website, "Our maintenance team had reported that a plane had mechanical issues regarding the engine during landing at Snowstone. Despite that, the flight successfully reached its destination. We are now investigating the incident with the Democratic Transportation Ministry and contacting the plane's manufacturer and our maintenance team for further maintenance. We apologize for the inconveniences caused."
AeroKrak had adviced the Bolivian plane manufacturer CmAircraftManufacturing to send their repair crew for engine repair and the airline's maintenance and repair team to assist. The aircraft involved will stay at the airport for months until it is proven safe for commercial flight.
This is Lucas Davidson, reporting for TVKrakabloa.

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    @XamesriaAerospace my galaxy s5 broke

    3.9 years ago
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    3,327 Xamesria27

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE why so inactive in Discord lately?

    3.9 years ago
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    @XamesriaAerospace Hey!
    Is there something?

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    3,327 Xamesria27

    Ayo Sheriff

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    Anyways, what happened to my discord server?

    4.0 years ago
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    @RepublicOfStuntpark me too I have so much about school and academics but I tried my best to stay active

    4.0 years ago
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    @SheriffHackdogMCPE Yeah, sorry about that
    I had some personal things happen, and school started so I was kinda inactive for a bit

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    @RepublicOfStuntpark omg finally u're back!

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