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I don’t understand why people think gaming laptops are crap

2,188 1gecko  4.0 years ago

Well I own one, it sounds like a jet sometimes, it gets h o t, but it still gets good FPS :/ but people say they get crap FPS like 20 or 10
(I own a HP omen gaming laptop)

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    904 NaoDorime

    @RandomUser09 we are two but I have a banana and not a potato

    3.9 years ago
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    laptops are more business-y, theyre really just made to be carried in a suitcase. I had one and it honestly sucked when it came to running SP, good ones are expensive because they're small and powerful, if your laptop worked nicely for you, great! but if it starts actin up, i'd recommend looking in to buying a tower-pc-thingy because i've went through many laptops that broke down, and it cost a fortune

    4.0 years ago
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    19.8k RandomUser09

    Well Ima poor peasant with potato mobile.

    4.0 years ago