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Hey you creative.

1,819 Captainboeing  3.9 years ago

There might be something creative in your mind right now.
A plane a helicopter a ship or a boat can be anything.
Write your creative ideas in the comments

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    LNER J50 with extended body and tanks for heavy shunting and maybe medium goods

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    41.4k Phox

    vtol f22 that has some exterior armament

    3.9 years ago
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    300 TayCo


    +7 3.9 years ago
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    345 meter long flying Battleship carrier hybrid with 6 23 inch cannons arranged in 2 turrets

    3.9 years ago
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    26.7k MakotoIto

    I have a baguette in mind

    +3 3.9 years ago
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    [Continued] These probes are all assigned to create different parts of the HESH Round, which, once created, is promptly loaded into an autoloader carrousel, and then fired from the gun. MMT Technology isn’t just used for tank shells though, it can be used for something as simple as an infinite coffee mug that replenishes itself, or an infinite supply of fuel and oxygen for an engine; One of our flagship aircrafts at PyrhPan, the HellFox, utilizes this. Normally, it’s inlets are enough to give it an appropriate amount of oxygen, and fuel is always infinite by default, by utilizing the MMT Probes. However, by installing MMT Probes that create oxygen, this can be redirected to the Plasma Engines of the HellFox, and essentially give it an infinite oxygen supply. This is especially useful for using afterburners, and can even be used for flying in space, and/or underwater. However, for underwater flight and space flight, the inlets of the HellFox have doors on them that close, much like a camera shutter, in order to block out any unwanted space debris or water. In conclusion, MMT Technology is the future of utilizing the infinite. It will open up a brand new door of possibilities in regards of technological engineering, and will revolutionize how once complicated tasks are performed.

    +3 3.9 years ago
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    MMT Technology, the ability to harness the infinite:

    MMT Technology is the future of resources, materials, fuel, weapons, and other things that are expensive, important, and typically depleted rather quickly. MMT utilizes the materials of the practically infinite amount of universes in existence, all of which have their own materials and elements and resources that can be used; Using MMT Technology, an MMT Probe can transport the materials of one universe to another; for instance, let’s say we want to create a 152mm. High Explosive Squash Head tank round out of thin air. (HESH) The MMT Probe(s) works as follows: a single probe can create an entire target, but multiple probes at once is faster and more efficient. Basically, these probes can browse through a selected amount of universes, much like you can browse the internet. A single MMT Probe can be assigned to create one thing, or it can be assigned to create a piece of one thing, while other probes create other pieces; Let’s say we have 10 MMT Probes. In this situation, each probe can be assigned to create a different part of the HESH Round we mentioned earlier. One probe can create the metal, another can create the explosives, another probe may create the plastic, and another probe can create the propellant. To do this, they search through universes like I mentioned earlier, and actually find the materials that create the part that their AI was assigned to create. For instance, the probe that was assigned to create the casing of the round would find the appropriate metal(s) to use, and as it’s transporting the metal to the MMT Probe’s own universe, it manipulates the metal so that it becomes the desired form. For instance, let’s say the shell casing is made of aluminum. The probe can find raw aluminum metal in a different universe, and as it’s transported, melt it, shape it, and cool it, so that it’s extracted as raw materials, but becomes a tank shell casing when it arrives in the right universe. All of this is performed by each MMT Probe, just with different materials and pieces necessary for the different parts of the HESH Round. Keep in mind, all of this happens extremely quickly, less than half a second at times. The reason why I mentioned a HESH Round of all things, is because it’s the primary ammunition for the 152mm Gatling Cannon KV-2, a terrifying vehicle of our military. To simplify what happens, multiple MMT Probes are installed inside the tank’s turret. [Continued]

    +3 3.9 years ago
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    38.8k UltraLight

    Thrust vectoring 737 that can land vertically

    +6 3.9 years ago
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    9,499 Tookan

    ww2 german tanks with actual good transmission

    +3 3.9 years ago
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    23.1k KudaOni

    A Mech that has a lightsaber

    +2 3.9 years ago
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    63.3k PapaKernels

    something creative

    3.9 years ago
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    19.8k RandomUser09

    Lets gooooo DaBaby Convertible

    +2 3.9 years ago
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    33.4k DDVC

    Panzer-34 Sherman

    +4 3.9 years ago