This is not a tank.
In honor of April Fool's Day, check out the WWII era unit tasked with deceiving the Wehrmacht by impersonating massive allied armies. The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops used phony radio communications, carefully arranged lights and even inflatable dummy tanks (seen above) to divert German forces from intended targets. Informally known as the "Ghost Army" they played an important role in D-Day and the Allied push through Western Europe.
You can read more about them here, on wikipedia
This is honestly my favorite WW story, well right after Jack Churchill, who thought guns were for sissies, so he used a freaking claymore. This was in WWll btw. Absolute legend.
Ooooffff @ChrisPy
Yep my great grandfather was in the ghost army. It’s pretty cool stuff
@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI It probably floats.
Bruh that’s clearly a ship
I got to know about it from Simple History yt channel.
lol inflatable tonk