What's the FT code to make a control surface work only when AG8 is activated ?
(The control surface is on the wing, its not custom.)
What's the FT code to make a control surface work only when AG8 is activated ?
(The control surface is on the wing, its not custom.)
@RandomUser09 @Ruvien0Republic0Officer @plane634
Thank y'all !
@X4JB em well I have one thing to say that he wants help with funky tree and the link is about funky tree tutorial video by Leehopard.
And also I don't have the energy to uselessly argue with you and get a strike.
@RandomUser09 How is that relevant lol
activationGroup and activationGroupLocksInput
set activationGroup to the AG you want to set it to, activationGroupLocksInput should be set to true so that the control surface can lock and unlock
If you want to know more about funky trees watch the video below ⬇
A video about about funky tree techs by Leehopard.