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What you guys think about internal combustion vehicles becoming extinct...

2,188 1gecko  3.9 years ago

Well I honestly hate electric cars because they just don’t sound good and you can’t mod the engines and the fact that they use rare earth materials which will become hard to get because they are rare and petrol engines sound nice, u can mod them such as turbochargers, super chargers, twin chargers and more but what do you guys think cause I think that internal combustion cars will never go away
And if they get banned then all the cool old cars won’t be able to be used then they will have to be scrapped

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    To mod an electric motor you would probably have to overvolt it or something unless you want to replace it

    3.9 years ago
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    exactly, even modern hypercars can benefit from biofuel stuff like E85 and whatnot

    3.9 years ago
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    I am not a fan of it, I prefer cars that actually make noise and don’t need to charge for an hour and actually are capable of driving over 400 miles without range being reduced in the cold. They should just use carbon-neutral biofuels and use low emission high efficiency engines like the opposed piston engine, which reduces emissions and increases efficiency

    +2 3.9 years ago
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    here i go crying again, tears enough to fill twice the size of jupiter.
    in all seriousness though, i'm starting to think that the goverments are making regulations stricter so that they can make people sad, and as we all know, sad/tired/defeated people are easier to control and "brainwash" than happier ones. they just want to brainwash us all. i don't care if i'm gonna get death sentence'd for this, i already said it out.

    but in all seriousness, yes, if we excluded regulations and stuff, ICE vehicles have sort of an advantage:
    -light weight
    -doesn't always have to look atrocious
    -SOUNDS (i mean stuff like Lexus LFA's exhaust "music", almost)

    they of course have the disadvantages of being shredded to death by regulations.

    electric car advantages:
    -mostly good for the environment
    -lots of power in a smaller space (take a look at hyper-EV's like Rimac C_2, Aspark Owl, Pininfarina Battista, etc.)

    electric car disadvantages:
    -quiet (good for neighbors i guess?)
    -HEAVY AS [REDACTED] (most EV's weight upwards of 2 tons)
    -a large majority of them look atrocious (seriously stop trying to "LoOk InTo ThE fUtUrE")

    sincerely sorry for the large post, but i simply had to get this out.

    +2 3.9 years ago