My style is building replica,but not accurate replica.. Just replica with a little touch of my original design. What is your style?
My style is building replica,but not accurate replica.. Just replica with a little touch of my original design. What is your style?
@ronyseptian17 yup
yes,the hypnoplane is easy to make the look beautiful,but it's hard to make it flies well@Krathar
@ronyseptian17 it's easy to make one but hard to work out the stability issues that come with insane pitch and roll
@Krathar well,lots of people like hypno plane...i never build hypno plane on simpleplanes,not yet.
"Hypno" planes
My style is more of a "make something that will perform a certain way" rather than replica building. I think both of these building styles are great, but I prefer to use the former.
@dsr1aviation yes,i agree with you, that's the real challenge.
I tried replicas once
I will try anything. Its my way of improving myself in building. Try doing a project that is out of your comfort zone :) i love the challenge of building that way
i like making replicas form time to time, but my true passion is experimenting with whatever designs pop into my mind. lots of out-takes
I build replicas but end up building them all from my mind, and exaggerating details like the engines, and pilot seats
Replicas outright :3