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Still long way go to space

7,572 XiaoPiao141  3.9 years ago

Today,I'm just lay down and still struggle with my school task when my idea kicks in: fly a plane to space. I think it is impossible cuz you know, jet engine can't do more when it reaches over 60000 feet. Btw i just record my first highest height of my plane. I use my prototype plane and keeps going up until hits over 100.000 feet. People will say: Man, its impossible. But....


133.433 feet

If you don't trust me let me show you

When i convert to kilometer it almost 41 kilometers. But, unfortunately the plane stalls a lot before it can be controlled.

Anyone can give me a suggestion to make this higher. Let me in comments...

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    1,750 AcePilot118

    Well you made it Just above the middle of the stratosphere, space starts at around 10,000 km and the stratosphere ends at 50km you reached 41km, try using over xml’d engines, that might get you into the mesosphere.

    3.9 years ago