The function "Search" can't find any planes I want...
Actually,there aren't any planes on it
Why I cannot search the planes?
19.9k PaperPlaneHasDream
3.6 years ago
The function "Search" can't find any planes I want...
Actually,there aren't any planes on it
@CityAirThemeCityxt 确实是哦
@WilboorSut I tried to use VPN and it is works XD Thank you all the same
So I searched my works and it still wasn't work :(
I think maybe China mainland isn't allows this function...
@WilboorSut can't use key-words?
Let me try it...
It works, just that you have to be specific. If there aren't any planes with that name, or if the plane doesn't exist yet, it will show no results
@gabi123 so why I can't use it...Is my Internet connect has problem?