I just want to mark 88 as it is the number for one of my favorite nascar drivers, no now alex bowman who drives it now though he is a good driver, I'm talking about one of the greats in a line of nascar drivers, Dale Earnhardt jr. Now we be on to 100 followers, cant imagine 100 people would be stupid enough to follow me.......
I stopped watching NASCAR when Dale Jr retired
@PapaKernels never forget the SAFER barriers that came with the HANS device
I have 13 followers and yeah 13 is like a scary number and to be ironic, I was 13 years old when I first played this game and became a part of the SP community
I still have a couple of months and 300 points to silver not gonna lie
@Dathcha that is true
Eighty Eight cool followers
Hehehe ill follow u
Wait people actually follow me? I thought it was just myself @QuitePossiblyMangled
Jk jk
Didn’t ask 31 @Dathcha
I have 84
You don’t even have 1000 @QuitePossiblyMangled
Lmao noob doesn’t even have 100 followers
@PapaKernels and you have like 8.5 times my points
@Dathcha says noob, has more than half less than me.........
Lmao noobs
I have 39 who almost never see activity from me.
@ChrisPy intresting
140 suck it
I have Gold ranks following me ;-;
@asteroidbook345 that's way worse lol
I have 423 people who are dumb enough to follow me lol
@Stinky with death comes more safety, at least when he died NASCAR made it mandatory to have the hans device in the car. Now NSACAR is one of the safest motorsports in the world. Hopefully to never see a driver fatality again
My favorite driver too! (Rip Dale Earnhardt Sr)