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I need some help with rotators / piston funky trees.

87.8k Walvis  3.9 years ago

Hi there!

I'm working on a simple bomber. Currently the bomb retracts slower into / extends faster out the fuselage than the bombay door can move.

I want to make it so that the doors open first (hinge), after which the bombs extend out (piston). Meanwhile, I want the opposite to be true for the other direction; piston retracts first, than the doors close.

Could you help me?

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    This will activate first:

    This will activate second:

    The smooth will output 0 >> 0.5 >> 1 when active, and 1 >> 0.5 >> 0 when deactivated. The second number in the smooth says how many units per second the input can change by (so a 0.5 means it takes 2 seconds to get from 0 to 1, and a smaller fraction will go through the steps more slowly). By comparing this to a number, you can tell it when in a sequence to turn on and off.

    This is a good tutorial.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    31.9k flame0w

    thatll be something to do with delay, hold on ima ask ppl

    3.9 years ago