i know there are so many text tutorials and u don’t know which is right.
To get italics, you put one * asterisk in front and behind the word/letter you want to do, like so
To get BOLD text put 2 asterisks either side
For bold italics put 3 asterisk either side liek so
Now we have finished Section One let’s move onto Section Two, headings.
3 dashes make a horizontal line
But there is a space in between each one.
One hashtag makes big blue text
Two makes big black text in comments but mall blue text in descriptions
Three hashtags makes small blue text
Four, I dunno, makes even smaller text.
Then 5, 6,7, till it’s tiny.
This is a link
[ title ]https://www.example.com)
For a link put the words in boxy brackets [] then put the link in curvy brackets ()no space between the words and the brackets
To do an image, upload it to I mug ur get its jpg then do the following:

You now know markdown!
Ok, I’m sorry. Just. I’m known for my drama! ;) @Noname918181
You could have just linked the official forum made by that guy called skua but still, it's a nice forum, maybe tone down the drama for a bit
@Kipo What's my name ?!?
@Kipo BUT
I thought that was you who posted the forum, and as i can see your brother is young
So i think he didn't know.
So i understand that he posted another tutorial
But please, find me.
@Kipo I am honest it's all
I'm saying what i'm thinking.
Btw don't call me kid
@Kipo I don't care of your bro.
Find me.
I challenge you.
Find me now !
Kid. Don’t mess with my brother. Girls are feistier. I will find you. Why you have to say that? He worked hard on that. @mLk
@Kipo "What now"
Do I care?@mLk
@Kipo there is already a tutorial on that
What now? @mLk
@Kangy I know but people don’t know this.
You know that there’s a pinned page with this in it already
Big BlacK Text 😏
@Kipo ohh ok ok
Or too be ur mentor. @FWTA152
Welcome! @FWTA152
@Kipo Thank you soo much its been a year searching for this thank you sooo much
I’m done now! @FWTA152