Can we have a 'Simple' tag for creations by now? Since most of the creations are either looking realistic or over to what you could count the parts good for simple builds like the parts count can be 200-150 parts, the totally simple creations are rarely to be seen unless you search for something or the creation is still the best.
The creation can be a not-so-realistic replica of an aircraft or just a random creation you built like an artist's sketch to do some practice on a technique or experimenting a style. This can be an interesting challenge too, ideal for those who want to try to limit their part by using to the lowest amount possible.
This is the reason why I think we should have a 'Simple' tag with it's predecessor design I made.
@NightmareCorporation Mobile devices are running like 1000 part creations easily these days so that's not the same at all
@InsertNameHere00 oh trust me I hate when high detail things have bad flight models. But unfortunately people mostly just upvote stuff before they test it
Yeah, for builds made in the style of when the game first came out.
@InsertNameHere00 It's different for everyone. If something can't run on their device, it's bad. That can be 800 parts or it can be 50
In this case, it would be a
low effort
tagJokes. But there is a very huge reason more accurate and higher detail things get seen more often. But meanwhile we have the mobile friendly tag.
Low effort tag.
"I didn't spend any time or effort on this. Now GIVE ME UPVOTES"
People don’t really appreciate low detail builds idk
@InsertNameHere00 yeah mobile friendly tag is pretty cool and I uhh... definitely use it properly
@ChrisPy spelling facts fax
It is copyrighted
By me
Spittin fax©
@KnightOfRen you think im joking
@KnightOfRen I am currently securing a cease and desist order
@KnightOfRen You will now be indicted with patent infringement
you are currently spittin fax
@ChrisPy facts
@KnightOfRen spelling facts as fax is actually copyrighted by me and you will be receiving a civil suit notice in the next 48 hours
This man spittin fax
Umm.... Ever heard of Mobile Friendly tag?