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i'm getting gyro effects without a gyro?

9,177 ZWLenning  4.0 years ago

so I'm making a helicopter, and i have encountered a string of problems. this very helicopter cannot roll past 90 degrees, nor nose down/up beyond a certain point. on reaching these it begins some funky stuff that essentially causes you to crash and burn. It also definitely has an bizarre autocorrect function (though this might be because of rotor angle). these effects are not what I want, and shouldn't be the case given there are no cyclic pitch/roll functions going to the rotator.

so if you guys have any ideas, please tell me or if you want to test and see if you can fix it, contact me on discord - dark_chilli_choccies#7069 - and I can send you the link to the build. the only stipulation if you test is that you own a device capable of running ~750 parts on high physics.

thanks so much!