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Happy birthday simpleplanes!!

14.4k TommySchram13  9.3 years ago

2014, December 10, simpleplanes was born!! So happy first birthday! I want everyone to tell everyone what there favorite part of simpleplanes is! Let's celebrate!

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    37.7k Decrepit

    @TommySchram13 :)

    9.3 years ago
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    Exactly @Nickasaurus

    9.3 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    @TommySchram13 probably a new game from jundroo... though this one i think will remain their flagship game for awhile

    9.3 years ago
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    @A5mod3us xD bruh

    9.3 years ago
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    Good point! I wonder...@A5mod3us

    9.3 years ago
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    25.2k A5mod3us

    @TommySchram13 Just imagine what it may be like another year from now!

    9.3 years ago
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    Yea. It goes by so fast@A5mod3us

    9.3 years ago
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    25.2k A5mod3us

    @KerbalVehiclesCompany For a minute there I thought you wrote that you joined when YOU were 3 months old, lol :P
    Also, I had no idea SP was a year old already. Pretty awesome!

    9.3 years ago
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    1,634 Hazo

    Happy bday SP

    +1 9.3 years ago
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    1,634 Hazo

    I love the community and the amazing physics based game!!!!

    9.3 years ago
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    Wow I joined this when it was like 3 months old. Happy birthday SP!

    9.3 years ago
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    I've made pixel art before for minecraft. It was actually pretty good according to others. When you see them, that will prove that I like minecraft too!

    9.3 years ago
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    Same here!@Nightraider

    9.3 years ago
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    3,141 Nightraider

    @TommySchram13 I've always like games like minceraft and I've always liked engineering so SP is my fav game

    9.3 years ago
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    That's cool.@Nightraider

    9.3 years ago
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    3,141 Nightraider

    My fav part is the creativeity

    9.3 years ago
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    1,015 Acer500

    My favorite part of this game is the devs. No, seriously. They're great. Thanks, guys.

    9.3 years ago
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    I really like to be able to see other people's airplanes and be able to download and fly their planes and i really like the way that they added in rotors so we can spin around stuff and create cars, boats, submarines, airplanes and helicopters.

    9.3 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    ^ and whoever else we are forgetting. And also, we are not allowed to disclose the beta, so don't bother asking us.

    I was going to say that a few comments ago, but my comment got cut off abruptly. Apparently there is a character limit.

    9.3 years ago
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    34.1k AgDynamics

    My favorite part of SP is the Dev team. <3

    Regular updates and bugfixes, listening to feedback, engaging with the users, and having the patience to deal with our... enthusiastic community through all its phases and growing pains. They've been going above and beyond expectations, bringing us revolutionary new parts and features on a consistent basis which each time expand the already massive scope of what's possible in this wonderful sandbox world.

    And as a beta tester I can say that they've done it once again. The new update transforms the game into something truly amazing.

    Thanks, @andrewgarrison & @philiptarpley & @nathanmikeska & @kevinmurphy !

    9.3 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @Rohan Same. Also, my thing got cut short, lol.

    9.3 years ago
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    37.3k Rohan

    Been here since beta!

    9.3 years ago
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    happy BIRTHDAY-

    9.3 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    ... Huh. Something new I found out today, XD.

    9.3 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    I've been here for SP entire year, minus the hiccup during this summer. Simple planes has changed... A lot. We used to only have simple parts, and needed to use the secret(not much of a secret now) part clipping ability to get any good looking aircraft. I found out about part clipping fairly early on. Back then, though, I only used part clipping scarcely. Only a couple of my aircraft ever used part clipping. I did started using it more and more as time went on. These days, I usually can't go a day without using some kind of part clipping.

    Anyway, moving on, planes back then were truely simple. It was rare to see anything that was out of place. Sure, there was dragon and bee and dragonfly designed, but no true innovations. I made one of the first(notice I did not say THE FIRST.) thrust vectoring systems, but from what I know, the first thrust vectoring system to use two nozzles which invert to produce the turning force(4 total), instead of just a single one at the rear. That was one of the few innovations before 1.1. When that came out, the doors opened. People started making tanks(I made, definitively, the first fully functioning tank. Simple, but effective), Ships(I made one of the first large scale ships, a bismarck, and a speed boat), contraptions(I can't name them off the top of my head, but there was a steamer using a 4 stroke engine, a 4 piston 2 stroke engine using VTOL, a train later on(@UnstableOrbit ), gears, wheels, etc), and everything in between. That's when the game became truely diverse to all things buildable. Of course, this is also when the community started later having problems. Many people got left behind when the voting system got implemented. This was the time when the devs really had to focus on fixing issues in the community. Trolls, (insert name for people who don't know what their doing that isn't insulting here), flamers, and everything else started popping up around that time. It was a kind of horror show, TBH. It was the worst time the community really faced. Nobody really trusted each other, fights got picked over the smallest thing such as getting 4 stars instead of 5, trolls trolled, and really, the community was in a semi-nightmare senario. Great designs were built, but it was mostly a lot of the above. I left the community during the summer because A. My macbook for school wasn't going to be home with me during the summer, B. my Ipad mini isn't going to do everything for building, XD, C. I was actually mad at t

    9.3 years ago
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