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Off-road truck chassis (For free to use!)

3,243 frank77831  3.7 years ago

It will be ready tomorrow.

I use G-wagon as my reference, but I higher all chassis system because SimplePlanes terrain is not friendly XD angle too sharp!
It is a front (Double Wishbone) rear (Torsion Beam) suspension system, and I add two jet engines and 4 wings to get more downforce, so it could stick on the ground more easily (I didn't put too much power for realistic)

I am working slowly right now.

On Thursday I feel my top belly is really hurt, and it is none stopping pain. I rush to A&E and I think I might have Gallstones T T, it is by my father's family gene; 7/10 of my family members have it. Hope for the best, I need more test from GP.

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    3,243 frank77831

    Hope you get better too!

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    No problem
    I had to get an MRI in my leg last week so that’s nice
    But I do hope your alright @frank77831

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    3,243 frank77831

    Thanks! I need to have more test and scan first.

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    Hope you get better!

    +1 3.7 years ago