Hey !
I heard of PID controllers many times.
But now i want to make one with FT to make a fly by wire.
Does anyone knows how to make them and what they do/how they work ?
Hey !
I heard of PID controllers many times.
But now i want to make one with FT to make a fly by wire.
Does anyone knows how to make them and what they do/how they work ?
@shipster lmfao
english is my 2nd language
I speak french
A sexually transmitted disease. I suspect that English is either your 2nd+ language or you're quite young. @mLk
@shipster I don't ever heard about STD.
Can you please send the full word so i will traduce it
I'm not sure how old you are, but PID is an STD @mLk
@shipster What you were expecting ?
I was expecting something totally different after reading that title