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Simple Planes 2

11.2k tucan  3.8 years ago

I was thinking about this the other day, SP is nearly 7 years old. That is pretty crazy to think about and It is still one of my favorite games. That being said I still believe there is a lot to hope for in the future to make this game a bit more up-to-date. Thats why I'm making this forum post, a sort of wishlist for SP2 (if it is ever made).

SP2 Wishlist:

  • Updated Graphics: SP looks great for a 7-year-old game, especially on pc, and innovations with RTX, Reshade, and Mods have made it look very nice, but I still think there are some ways to go, it would be cool to see if these things were integrated into the game, similar to SR2 graphics.
  • Integrated multiplayer: I know this is a mod on PC and it already works okay, I have pretty fast wifi and a decent computer and I have to put everything on low graphics to prevent serious lagging. There are also a lot of Mobile players that I'm sure would love to have this.

  • More Islands/ Terrain: It would be cool to see more Airports in SP2 this one doesn't need much elaboration but some Ideas are Airports in a mountains or near a city (something like that).

  • A story/campaign mode: There is something like this is SP with the unlockable achievements and challenges. This well and good but I would love to see an actual story or development of the game. Adding on to this it would be interesting to implement unlockable parts/ feature. One thing I definitely saw missing from the original SP is the lack of motivation to acquire all the parts. The game kinda gives you everything you want from the beginning which can sort of run content dry.

  • Customizable feature: I think everyone likes to have custom features in their games, I know I do. I would like to see something like customizable UI, HUD, music in-game (like syncing a Spotify account with the game to implement your own music) .

  • More painting options: Currently, most players use fuselages to add decals which is a bit difficult to work with at times, maybe implement something where you can paint on different materials or import images into the game to paint on.

  • Custom Wheel to Rim ratio: This seems pretty simple to me, you would be able to edit the wheel to rim ratio better for making cars, trucks and different planes.

  • Different Types of Fuselage: Some examples are armored fuselage which is heavier but stronger, carbon which would be lighter but weaker etc

    Mods I would like to see implemented:

-Heat Haze
Community Ideas:

Community ideas:

Boolean Tool= to make a hole into fuselages Image here

More Efficient Polygon Count: This is to make the game easier to run [better FPS and stuff].

Better physics: When you attach to many rotators, it is likely that your part will start to glitch out. I hope not to see this in SP2 (or at least not as significant as in SP)

More customizable fuselages: We could edit the amount of chamfer on the fuselages and also make more complex shapes that could only be done by paneling.

Auto Paneling: To make a paneled version of the same object that was selected.

More weapons: Multilock missiles, cluster bombs, railguns, etc

More engines: Thrust vectoring engines

Freezing parts: To make objects not bend or flex when being run in SP/to group these objects into 1 part

Springs and Pistons: These should not move in the wrong direction when being compressed or extended.

This is my own list please tell me what you would want to see in a comment or something and I might add it on as well. If any mods or devs see this know that SP is a masterpiece even if it needs changes and your hard work is very appreciated and we would love to see more from you. Thanks for reading my list.


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    11.2k tucan

    Thanks to everyone who upvoted and commented, hopefully the devs will consider some of the things here. (Also I reached 8k points 🥳)

    Pinned 3.8 years ago
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    41.0k ALRX

    Extra ideas:

    Boolean Tool= to make hole into fuselages Image here

    More Efficient Polygon Count = This is to make the game more easier to run [better FPS and stuff].

    Better physics= When you attach to many rotators, it is likely that your part will start to glitch out. I hope not to see this in SP2 (or at least not as significant as in SP)

    More customizable fuselages= We could edit the amount of chamfer on the fuselages and also make more complex shapes that could only be done my paneling.

    Auto Paneling= To make a paneled version of the same object that was selected.

    More weapons= Multilock missles, cluster bombs, railguns, etc

    More engines = Thrust vectoring engines

    Freezing parts = To make objects not bend or flex when being run in SP/to group these objects into 1 part

    Springs and Pistons= These should not move into the wrong direction when being compressed or extended.

    Better wing and landing gear shapes= the current ones are not too interesting.

    Hide tool these are too make objects invisible when a build being tested out/played so that the computers do not need to render these objects [increases FPS and performance]

    Pinned 3.8 years ago
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    so the dev team is focus on the Juno New Origins now and then the game has few people work on it ?

    2.1 years ago
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    1,355 Kestrel990

    Seeing underwater and more challenges

    3.2 years ago
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    7,558 Aweyer26

    orientation block:

    3.8 years ago
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    11.2k tucan

    @Swiper hmm, maybe

    3.8 years ago
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    They should add the Dummy back to the game, I know you still can obtain it with XML or saving someone creation as a Sub, But this makes it easier for us, right?

    3.8 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @FartyBob can confirm

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    12.0k Skyler101

    @RexZion would be mad

    3.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    11.2k tucan

    @IceCraft :)

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    I'm so happy to see a fellow simpleplaner who thinks about mobile players

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    Bomb bays are a must. Like a single part that functions like the standard wing, and you can add a bay, and then drag it to the size you want, select the range of extension, and then set it to an AG group

    3.8 years ago
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    437 CSLI

    I also want to add, more mobile access to mods please, and less lag

    3.8 years ago
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    11.2k tucan

    @Kangy thank you.

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    17.1k Kangy

    Congrats on 8K my friend!

    3.8 years ago
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    11.2k tucan

    @ChrisPy oh, i dont doubt that it is, but I still SP2 is in the realm of reality.

    3.8 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    @tucan I didnt develop the game but coding is extremely hard

    3.8 years ago
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    11.2k tucan

    @Captainboeing I dont agree, but thank you.

    3.8 years ago
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    I made you popular by upvoting you with all my 3 accounts when this post was with only 8 upvotes.

    3.8 years ago
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    11.2k tucan

    @ChrisPy oh I didnt realize you worked on the game. Understandable, one can only hope that the devs are willing to work hard.

    3.8 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    @tucan @Timothius bc its very hard to write an entire game and very expensive. SP is doing perfectly fine rn too so there no need to.

    3.8 years ago
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    5,177 Gluck

    This would probably require extensive work, but something I would like to see is the ability to command spawned planes. This could be a part of a story mode and sandbox.
    You could orchestrate dogfights and battles, stealth missions, transports and convoys, and lots of other stuff. It'd add a lot more replayability past finishing the hypothetical story mode.

    3.8 years ago
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    9,177 ZWLenning

    @tucan atm, complex shapes (especially concave ones) require lots of panelling, which gives an absurdly high polygon count and overall decrease in physics.
    The ability to subtract one part from another (to create a hollow where that part was) could be invaluable in creating low part count, low poly, high detail builds

    3.8 years ago
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    5,006 MRpingouin

    As a gunsmith ,I really support multi lock function and maybe radar bombs or targeting engine wish is like a mini thruster that moves the object to the locked enemy or even mark. Yeah maybe a way to place marks.

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    It would be nice, but then everything in SP will be useless. A big update and some YT recognition by some of the bigger influencers would attract people to SP, and if enough people buy the game, the Devs will have the money to make a HUGE update. Oh and grouping parts. Grouping parts into one piece would be AMAZING.
    Edit: ALSO, being able to cut an adjustable polygon hole in all structural parts and wings would also be perfect. @tucan

    3.8 years ago
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