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Resizeable Wheel buckles under load

1,204 Jukkelus  3.9 years ago

I'm building a high speed racing car. To stay on ground and corner, the car generates a metric poopton of downforce. My problem is that the Resizeable Wheels can't hold that all that weight without buckling.

Is there any way to increase load capacity of the Resizeable Wheel? Or do I need to sacrifice downforce and thus top speed and cornering capability?

I look forward for your input

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    1,204 Jukkelus

    @WrongFlyer Thanks! Cranking the mass scale to 100 solved the problem.

    3.9 years ago
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    1,120 WrongFlyer

    I hear that turning up the mass on the wheels does the trick, but what the wheel is connected to can also affect it. It seems to bend more when connected to shocks. However, the only sure fix I've found is burning the project to the ground and starting over.

    +3 3.9 years ago