Aside from the large aeroplanes portion in this game, what's your favourite vehicle? I made a car once and its great for getting about on land!
Aside from the large aeroplanes portion in this game, what's your favourite vehicle? I made a car once and its great for getting about on land!
Lately I have found making cars more fun than making planes!!!
@Yugaman now I have also made a giant bus which can go off road.
@Hazo yeah I downloaded that tractor! Its cool!
i made an amphibious swamp airboat with retracts so i could go on land. it performed remarkably like the real airboats. ill have to upload it one of these days
My Heep lineup is pretty solid for getting around IMHO. Mobile friendly too!
I like the "Working tractor" that's probably coz I made it!!!😉
Nice hovercraft @RocketLL
Unfortunately I can't use it on my iPad 2, but I'll use it when I get my air 2 :D
My city destroyer is definetly the best ;D@ronyseptian17 @MrSilverWolf @Yugaman
Yeah I personally love land and water vehicles just as much as planes :)
I would say my KV-2
@RocketLL that's a cool hovercraft,and fun to ride
Probably my AT-AT.
I like boat,but i very like hovercraft