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How do I use screenshots as thumbnails?

1,555 magicorn777  3.9 years ago

You know how some big builds have screenshots as thumbnails instead of the builder?

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    1,555 magicorn777

    @JakeSnakeMate thank you

    3.9 years ago
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    put the image as the blueprint and screenshot it then

    3.9 years ago
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    From what I remember, if you dont take any in the in-game menu then you should have an option.

    EDIT: I dont know anymore, you used to be able to just upload images in the past. You can still use a DesignerSuite Method

    Take screenshot of your plane, Edit the image with text and stuff, Put the image on the Designer Suite mod, Put the image far away from your craft, Upload it.

    3.9 years ago