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How ?

4,183 mlksback  3.9 years ago

Is it possible to make missiles with a range > 16km ?
When i try to XML mod the range, the missile can't lock until the target is at 16 km.
Btw in game, you can't see that green square on a target before 16km.
Is a way to make my missiles fire earlier ?

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    4,183 mlksback

    @11qazxc thanks !
    You helped me a lot !

    3.9 years ago
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    6,577 11qazxc

    In game any target despawns if range>16 km.
    Exceptions is dogfight, (maybe)race, and multiplayer.
    You can't change this range if you don't have exact location of this value in executable or source code of a game.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    2,188 1gecko

    Max missile with range of 69km so you can snipe people nice

    3.9 years ago