Can someone please test a tank for me because my device is having a lag problem.
Most the tank is already done and tested
its just the Damage model and gun that need testing.
Is anyone willing to help? It would really help me alot.
Can someone please test a tank for me because my device is having a lag problem.
Most the tank is already done and tested
its just the Damage model and gun that need testing.
Is anyone willing to help? It would really help me alot.
probably the amount of drag, just turn the Dragscale to 0 using XML and that might help
@Kangy No I meant it lags badly for some reason when I spawn more than one witch I need to test how it handles taking damage and how it damages others. I runs just fine by itself and it didn't to do this before.
bruh if you can't run 60+ parts you might as well not even build a damage model
@gabi123 yeah
Ok so just test it against some of wernster's tanks and just tell me what happens
Oh but I haven't posted it yet.
Hold on
Nope right link
Just my mistake@gabi123
This is the damage model I used
This is the damage model I used
Less than 60 as of now I tried to make it part efficent not all the little details are done.