My flying V that I have been messing around with for the past 3 months is basically done, so it's going to be about time to publish, I'm in a time crunch so sorry for a lack of information but this is what I have and will be what you see as the final product! And yes I'll leave it open for those who want to make their own paint job on it, as long as credit is given.
I was not expecting a flying guitar
Oh hey the top one is before I got rid of the extra dials, whoops
@FartyBob @ws @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter those who asked for tag in original teaser, keeping it all in one post
@Valheru would you like tag?
@Valheru yes, but the body shape is a V, we dont count the neck
It’s a Y tho.
@tsampoy well it is the gibson flying V
I was not expecting a flying guitar
@Timothius would ye like tag?
@LieutenantSOT and it actually flies decent, except for yaw, yaw just makes it loose control
This thing is wicked!
Rock on dude surfer accent