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New block: orientation block

7,558 Aweyer26  3.8 years ago

So I have an idea for a part that may allow for some pretty cool things to happen:
an orientation block.

So what would this do exactly?

-Take all positional measurements of the block such as pitch, roll, yaw, heading, vertical g, etc
-take all relative measurements if possible, for example, the selected target, the cockpit, or other orientation blocks
-be able to set it to ground, air, or no target
-set the assigned number of the block to be referenced in ft

How would you access these measurements this part outputs?

-It could be a new function in funky trees where you can specify where to take the measurements such as: command "orient()"
the format could be: orient(orient block #, measurement)
for example, to find the pitch angle of an orient block with an id of 1,
if the pitch of the block was 5 degrees, the output would be as such.

For (R)elative, which would be harder to implement in code, could be formatted:
orientR(orient block # (0 if cockpit), target oriental block # (0 if cockpit), relative measurement)
so for finding the distance from the cockpit to orient block 2, it would look like this:

For finding the distance between orient block 1 and 2, it would look like this:

if the distance from orient block 1 to orient block 2 was 170 meters, this would output 170.
In this sense it would have the same function as the Target prefix (such as TargetElevation, TargetHeading), with more parameters.

In the UI itself, this block could be placed in the cockpit or gizmos section, and behave kind of like a cockpit.

When you place it and open the settings, there would be two options:

Activation Group (0-9 or ft input)
this is self explanatory

Set as default (Yes or No)

assigned # (1-9)

The set as default would act the same as the cockpit block, except the camera would stay with the original cockpit regardless of setting.
If Yes, the cockpit instrumentation built into the UI could instead be taken from the orientation block.
If set to No, the cockpit would take measurements from its own position as normal.

The assigned # would be 1-9, because slot 0 could be used to read from the cockpit's own ft values. Setting 1-9 will allow the funky trees function to differentiate between the two. It could also be programmed that no two blocks can share the same number, and that only one can be set as default.

This would allow the creation of independent auto turrets that could be deployed, as well as allow a fleet of aircraft to be controlled by funky trees

If I think of more things to add, I will put them here.

If this is possible, or if it is not, I would like to know as this may be a huge change if it was implemented.

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    7,558 Aweyer26

    @BigBushy yah basically. It would exists so that u can use funky trees with more than just the cockpit

    3.8 years ago
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    9,133 BigBushy

    @Aweyer26 oh so like a control block or pseudo-cockpit that uses funky trees for control?

    3.8 years ago
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    7,558 Aweyer26

    It will allow for independent control of multiple disconnected aircraft, vehicles, boats, etc as well as allow for more versatile implementation of funky trees

    3.8 years ago
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    7,558 Aweyer26

    @PioThePioneer this block would take the place of the cockpit when it comes to funky trees, where each of the outputs would be that of the block

    3.8 years ago
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    9,133 BigBushy

    Come again?

    3.8 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    I think we need a seeker head in the weapons category. That’s all I want. Just a seeker head so we can make our own weapons much easier and without the odd SP missile physics

    +7 3.8 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion


    3.8 years ago
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    7,558 Aweyer26

    if not in the main game, could this be made into a mod?

    3.8 years ago