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My View On Earth and The Last Few Days #1

1,667 hjonk  3.8 years ago

Welcome to the first My View On Earth and The Last Few Days! This is an off-topic forum for you to chat amongst yourselves and ask questions.

Topic 1: Yesterday sucked.

So, This has nothing to with anything, but I had enchanted diamond chestplate died in lava with a golden apple in my hand. Minecraft, obviously. That’s about it.

Topic 2: Editor Glitches in SP

If you are about to mirror something and hit exit, it duplicates every part on the plane. I am making the T-33 from the 1955 film called “This Island Earth”, and this has happened multiple times. PLEASE Comment if you experience this as well. Here’s a pic of the plane, so I guess this is also a teaser.


Topic 3: Nintendo is mean

no pets in among us on nintendo switch? i guess SEGA was right. They do what Nintendon’t.

Topic 4: Poll

Yes if I should do this (in the comments)

No if I shouldn’t (in the comments)