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opertion overtime challenge results

7,098 Gx  3.9 years ago

I know I'm late, but I still gave it XD
first of all, what are my thoughts?..
everyone did really great, I can happily say all score ABOVE the 50% mark (kinda) but also none really passed the 80-90% mark SO I took my time to point out things that the engineer/ designer of the aircraft can get better at. OK! let us get on to the scores now.

in first place we have:Nobunaga

Speed: 5/10 (you have quite a few selections of options to increase your speed)
agility: 11/20 (simple, watch some guy folk tuts)
detail: 7/10 (the sole reason why the score is so low here is that you did not use your own paint, nor was there sort of custom stuff or something like that)
ammunition: 25/30 ( it has a lot, way too much. you could have still done some research to find out real-life weight and dimension for weapons but it's still a very high score)
SAM Evasion 5/10 (again, it is the weaponry that makes it hard to evade with. I suggest trying thrust vectoring as well)
true VTOL?: 10/10 (its literally perfect, maybe improve more on your engine stabilizing)
The Nobunaga gets a total of 77/110 (you came very close to losing the first position, but anyhow nice build!
following the Nobunaga and placing 2nd in the challenge, we have the
GS2 whaleface!

seating capacity: 30/40 (its a pretty big area but I don't think a guy with a broken leg can stand)
evasion: 13/20 (it lacks speed and maneuverability...)
defense: 15/20(if the pilot is smart enough, the guns and chaff are plenty enough)
speed: 4 (again, there are easy methods to increase overall top speed)
backstory: 7/10
total score: 75/110

agility: 10(always make sure wing loading is low especially for jets, it gives more maneuverability)
detail:15( try to use more fuselage blocks as you can make completely custom designs out of those if you work hard enough)
ammunition:27(good use but it was still slightly too much)
backstory: 4 (dude, just make a random story XD)
true vtol?: 4 (make use of systems that people have very kindly provided for free use. That stupid gyro makes it really hard to control the plane)
evasion:7 (one major thing that helps in evasion is making your plane smaller)
there is the top 3
now for the ones who couldn't make it

the aerodyne
speed:5 (I've mentioned this too times here so not typing again)
Agility:11(again, pretty similar to above notes)
detail:7 (there are a lot of items that can be added for aesthetics)
ammunition: 2( try making more custom weapons such as guns that are very powerful, you post most points here)
backstory: 5(it could have been slightly longer and maybe more in depth) evasion:6 (speed and agility)
true VTOL?: 8(going anywhere about 30 isn't possible, thats pretty bad if I have to vtol during an emergency)

the harbinger
backstory:4(make it longer, and add more interesting things to spice it up a bit)
details:6( Again, use the parts that are provided in creative ways)
IB Assault:20(it did good, but was easy to shoot down, so use countermeasures)
speed:5( NA)

the thunderbird
true vtol?:4( don't use default gyros.)
agility:10 (this could really do with TVC)
ammunition:10 ( try using more custom weapons)
speed:4 (NA)
backstory: 7(Pretty good, just remember to make it sound spicy)
IB assault: 10(Just improve the speed and agility)
total: 50/110
there you go!
ill give the reward in a few hour cuz its 5am and I have to sleep

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    7,098 Gx

    @TatsuTheCleaningFairy thx

    3.8 years ago
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    @Grroro congrats on 4k points

    3.8 years ago
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    1,783 BlackZero

    @Grroro yeah, can confirm

    3.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    @blackzero can you confirm that you got your reward?

    3.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    @Dracul0Anderson it was originally upvote and spotlight but I'm felling a bit generous

    3.9 years ago
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    What are the rewards, anyway? Do I even get any??(oh that probably sounded really selfish)

    3.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    @BlackZero try learning from what pajamas720 did on his nobunaga, each engine has a code the compensates for the instability on the aircraft. That is quite literally the only reason he won this challenge.

    3.9 years ago
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    1,783 BlackZero

    It makes sense, still don't know much about making custom weaponry using Funky Trees since I'm still barely experimenting. As for gyros, I really really don't how to make VTOL's without them so I figured I might as well take the fall where I can. I'll see how I can improve next time

    3.9 years ago
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    1,580 Pajamas720

    @Grroro yeah thats absolutely fine.

    3.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    @Pajamas720 you don't have 30 builds so if its ok can I wait until you have 30? Currently you have 25 IIRC

    3.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    @Pajamas720 i did, it was still fun to fly, all were.

    3.9 years ago
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    1,580 Pajamas720

    oh crap, i didnt expect to steal the show! i agree with the notes tho, forgot to edit the paint and ammo counts, those were probably the easiest to avoid point losses xp. hope you enjoyed the craft still tho.

    3.9 years ago