For the past month I have slowed my uploads. The reason is that I have been playing other games (Call of Duty, Ace Combat, Battlefield, yahtee yahtee yahta), I have still been checking notifications, and playing the game during my spare time. I still have the F-22 and A-10 to work on, which will be a while. I am trying to spice up the detail on my builds.
EDIT: I will be posting something on Christmas eve, around 4:00 - 5:00 PM CST, and somethimg on Christmas morning (about when I wake up).
I'm not gone yet!
137k BaconEggs
9.0 years ago
@BaconEggs i know,i missed the interrogation
@PPLANESco That's something you should answer.
@ProKillaV12 @CarterIndustries @BaconEggs look it up, honestly you guys, so immature ;) it's actually very nice with custard
@BaconEggs hey men,how long i don't se ya
Spotted dick?@XVIindustries
@XVIindustries ok? I won't ask
@XVIindustries ummm
@XVIindustries Oh lordy
Or another traditional British dish, spotted dick ;););
@BaconEggs :)
@XVIindustries hahaha
You should name an alt bangers and mash lol