So I have found something while opening up a mod folder for pc only on my new phone (Samsung A71).
Feast your eyes coder geniuses
So I either might or might not know what this is
This may be caused by the OS that a mobile device runs on (32bit). And I think this may be the reason that mobile devices cannot run mods that aren't add-ons to maps or maps.
What may be happening is that because the system the mod folder is built for (64bit) it cannot be transferred to 32bit systems, and I think that it's due to some kind of error during translating the file into readable code.
Y'see, when you make code for a 64 bit OS, you can only utilize code for that bit range. And when you step out of that bit range, the system doesn't know how to properly understand that code that you've put in, so it just forgets it or jumbles the code to something it can translate, this might be the problem for the 32bit OS using newer mods
Again THIS IS ALL A SHOT IN THE DARK!!! and I dunno if I've actually made any big revelation, I'm just taking a sheer guess. Tell me I'm either right, partially right or wrong, but tell me why I'm wrong...
If this doesn't showcase my want to learn about or get into coding then idk what will... T_T
@WNP78 also, is there any plan for unity to fix this?
OH almost forgot, how did you learn coding?
@WNP78 so what your saying is, it can't run this because of the Unity game engine? Also I'm not sure at the moment if I'm IOS, or Android, but I'm pretty sure it's Android.
Also, a lot of new phones (including the Samsung A71) have 64-bit processors. This is the main reason mods were deprecated on mobile platforms - with the release of 64-bit phones, the Play store requires we support 64-bit devices, and the unity scripting backend we were using (Mono) did not support Arm64, so we had to change to a different system that unfortunately doesn't support loading code at runtime.
Are you opening a mod file on iOS in a text editor? The reason it isn't displaying anything meaningful is because the mod file is not text, hence the text editor makes no sense of it. In this case it's not to do with 64 vs 32 bit systems.
@THEYE yea, specifically speaking, I think it's a translation error caused by 64 bit OS's using different code altogether
@ThatKindaWeeb system error??
@WNP78 I would love if you could explain this too me I am genuinely curious