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Stock Wing Flaperons

8,412 A3  3.9 years ago

Note: This is for a personal STOL build, probably won't upload.

Was curious if there was a way to customise stock wing control surfaces into flaperons...

I've already added a "VTOL+Roll" code into the outer control surfaces and of-course a "VTOL" to the inner surfaces. However, soon realised that although when you do pull VTOL down and all the surfaces deflect. You can't actually roll the aircraft as the one of the surfaces only deflects so far when inverted...

Does anyone know how you can actually make the surface both deflect down in unison next to the flaps but also deflect enough as an aileron to be able to roll the aircraft?

If someone could remind me how to add images, I can make your life easier by showing you what I'm talking about lol.
