You all know that the upcoming update for simpleplanes on the pc is very close and the mobile version will be release about a month later. I've been thinking that since the people to play on the pc version is earlier than the Mobil version that the pc version players not give out hints or leak part of the game to the users to are on mobile like myself. I know that many of you will release airplanes with new parts (if any) from the update and people will be able to see some of those parts. But that is not the reason I'm am making this forum post. I hope that people will not discuss about new features in the game (also if any) to keep it a surprise to me and any mobile player. Thanks for understanding and I would like to hear your opinion.
Entak has a whole SERIES! But he is kinda a noob :P
ok seems legit
@FlightDucky20 well, the parts belong in the xml. if they didnt allow mobile to have certain parts, you wouldn't even be able to download that plane.
@Krathar ok?
@Rattle13 please don't talk about it it will ruin the surprise. Thanks
Just retro fitting my warplanes with guns and bombs will be a blast!!! MUCH WANT NOW!
@FlightDucky20 no, thats not how that works. also if the devs cut back for mobile it wont be towards parts
Mobile users could just use sub-assemblies t get some of the newer items
@Krathar what do the ai's do!? :D
@sirtribesman there are new graphics that look great and new parts like very cool _. There is also a new autopilot feature as Well as computer controlled ai's
@General360 ... And? I am in the beta test, and I accidently uploaded an aircraft from the beta that was not unlisted too. But you can't assume everyone knows what's in the beta. Why do you think we still keep a shroud of secrecy? The reason above^.
@General360 I wouldn't go assuming things...
@GINGER007 Unfortunately, if it gets released on PC and Mac, the mobile users will find out very quickly what it is unless they want to leave it as a surprise to them, or are oblivious.
@AeroEngineering also the pc version users may try not to give away too much of the update for mobile users.
@Krathar what is in the beta? Like the new parts, any highlights?
@GINGER007 i see where you are going, its just going to have to be mobile useres not looking at the posts with the update or forums regarding it to try to keeep it a suprise to them
@AeroEngineering I was just posting that maybe people may keep it a surprise for non pc players. If players posted about the update and what is in it then I might ruin the excitement for the mobile users. But I understand that people will post planes with the updated parts and I can't be the person who says what can be posted or not. I just hope to keep some of the update a surprise. Thanks for letting me know.
@GINGER007 You need to be an approved submitted to see in the beta redfit, and this probably won't happen at all because there is 99.999 percent chance that someone will release them
@General360 yeah, just made a new hypnoplane... non-beta style ;)
@General360 hey thanks for understanding. (Nice planes you make by the way)
@General360 it was just an example of stuff in the game that can't be posted on this website but is in the update.
@Krathar thanks for the up vote.
@General360 but what about the added stuff from the update that you can't post (maybe multiplayer if that was in the update you can't upload multiplayer it will probably be added spot like the sandbox in the game). I don't want people to ruin that kind of stuff.
@General360 you saw the change log? Can you link it to me please when you get the chance? Thanks
Call this guy, it will be hilarious!