Since someone is making a nice railway mod with some nice features I thought I'd make a locomotive for AI to control around the layout
I chose to make a 2-6-4 Brighton class 4 tank engine, Il try to make as mutch features as AI can handle.
Autobrake when sensing a airplane in front of the train
Realistic Sound
Almost done! now the final mechanisms......
i am also working on a way bigger duplex drive steam turbine called the NDE6 Hercules
the Brighton Class 4 has been completed! link here for the early prototype
@winterro ok that is all I need to know
@XYeetusdeletusx il try, just expect 1 to 2 weeks untill its perfect
@XYeetusdeletusx I am working on it, the only thing I can tell right now it it's part count laying in the 2000 parts
When will the toothless by done I can't wait anymore I need more awsome creations 😫I need it, spongebob 2012
@scratch yeah, it's just, once a hype it does take time to decelerate :)
Oh wow you are really making trains
@scratch sounds great! Keep up the good work
@winterro nice! I'll be sure to upload the map as/with a proof of concept soon.
I'll try to make a map plugin afer I figure out how to make a simple rigid body switch/junction.
as for the loco, I'm also almost done
how is your locomotive and mod going btw?
585 parts is a bit on the large size (for ai), but i managed to complete it
@scratch my locomotive is ready!
However i wasnt able to do the autostop, becouse ai is a bit too brainless for that
@Valheru you fools that's Arthur...
well, close to him
You fools thats Percy
POV: Thomas being a Tank Engine for 3 minutes
Thomas the Tank Engine intensifies
hmmmm yes, bri'ish loco
@winterro OHo WOW that is quick and amazing!
@scratch ive made some progress now
toot toot goes the TRAIN
@winterro Absolutely!
@scratch is it a good idea to introduce AI?