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Upcoming builds

243k RamboJutter  3.8 years ago


So as you probably know, i tend to build a bit scattershot like, I dont tend to focus on one build thus I get to a point where i have numerous different concepts in hand at once. I previously posted a link to some unfinished builds i was dabbling with from time to time here but since then i have tinkered with all sorts of other builds (too numerous to mention here). So I though someone might like to see what is up and coming (and give some feedback before i publish them)

Not an A10

The A10 is built around that huge gun in the nose, I though that I could make a slightly smaller British equivalent using some more standard armament and at the cost of 2 weapons pylons (not that this will affect operations much when you see how many the A10 has.)

Now I am struggling with getting a working colour scheme here and I need that finalised before I add stuff like panel lines and other decals.

Everything baring the cockpit, fins and undercarriage legs is freshly made (the aforementioned parts are from stock but altered to suit this build). Functionality wise, the engines thrust vector to add to the ability to manoever.


Supersonic Harrier

The Harrier was subject to numerous studies to look at making it supersonic, I thought I would add my take on this. So I added an extra engine, a vertical thrust fan (with sequenced doors top and bottom), swing wing (doesnt move much but i thought it was a nice addition) and extended the size for both length and wingspan.


4 engine turboprop cargo seaplane

Well the title says it all really, I liked the look of the R3Y Tradewind and thought i would build something similar. I have left a weapons bay underneath to allow for antisub warfare to expand the types flexibility. Still need to sort out the rest of the decals and get the flight model to work a bit better (twitchy on pitch at present)


Not a Martin XB-51

So I always liked the XB51 but though the back end was ugly due to the addition of the extra engine, I built my own derivative but with 2 side mounted engines with a reheat system from the Gloster Javelin. Again still working on colour scheme, decals etc. but it flies and functions.


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    @HelloHelloTheUnt I don't know, there is loads to do to finish them

    3.4 years ago
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    9,837 HelloX

    Hey man, looking back on this post can you upload the Harrier and Xb-51 mock-up soon?

    3.4 years ago
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    cant wait for the seaplane and the xb51

    3.5 years ago
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    24.0k FeatherWing

    Hm, ok.
    Also, your take on a supersonic Harrier has inspired me to do my own Supersonic VTOL aircraft.

    3.7 years ago
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    @FeatherWing at the moment it has a big lift fan in the middle and some nozzles for pitch etc. I'm working on additional nozzles / thrust vectoring.

    3.7 years ago
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    24.0k FeatherWing

    How does your Supersonic Harrier perform VTOL?
    I can see two lift jets, but is there anything else?

    3.7 years ago
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    53.2k Tang0five

    Supersonic Harrier now that's a beut!

    3.8 years ago
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    Nice twin boom warthog!
    Of course it had to be done ;P

    3.8 years ago
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    1,137 45678

    Can you tag me on the cargo seaplane?

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    19.8k RandomUser09


    3.8 years ago
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    64.1k PapaKernels


    3.8 years ago