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Simple Planes not working

11.6k Baldeagle086  3.8 years ago

Every time I start up simple planes its a black screen but I can still click the buttons because I hear the button click noise. If I click a button the game stops responding. I have tried uninstalling and redownloading but it doesn't change anything.

Edit: Had to update radeon, and manually choose what gpu it used.

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    4,226 SPMTB

    @Baldeagle086 Perhaps use task manager as its blacked out. it can sometimes get a program out of a funk.
    If that doesn't work, maybe ask a dev? Or get a mod to contact Jundroo? (I think they can).

    3.8 years ago
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    11.6k Baldeagle086

    Pc @SPMTB

    3.8 years ago
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    4,226 SPMTB

    Do you use mobile or PC?

    3.8 years ago
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    Never experienced that but I experience a bug where I couldn’t use a mod because I think I downloaded a mobile version of the mod that causes it to disable the mod menu

    3.8 years ago