The little black line marks the edge of the gear bay. I'm going to do the wings last, unlike my normal builds. I want to try a new wing technique for this.
The little black line marks the edge of the gear bay. I'm going to do the wings last, unlike my normal builds. I want to try a new wing technique for this.
@KnightOfRen you’ve said SPFC is tiny like 6 times why and how is that an insult
@Tookan yep
Guess that's something you can claim to people when you're too good at War Thunder
Well yes
@Kangy humans are incredibly illogical. That is why I am Vulcan
Well I don’t like doing that lolz I know a lot about the T version bc of DCS I’ve actually used it’s encyclopedia to help with building my su 30@asteroidbook345
@Tookan actual facts
Yeah, we are clearly superior to their species in every way possible
@SneakySniper yeah no wukkas mate
@Tookan Ah yes
A fellow animal in all this conflict
gee humans are dumb aren't they?
@ChrisPy lol why not the worst thing that will happen is you’ll be called a bandwagoner
Darn was gonna make one of these
ah yes, a fellow neutral person during all of this Frogfoot chaos
@Kangy I was trying to say they theirs looks good, but need improvement. they do look good, they really do. I just let my anger get out and it made it sound a bit rude. My apologies, @WiiMini and @Fox00One
@Kangy thanks!
@asteroidbook345 ah i see
good work mate!
@Kangy that little edge was because of the way I tilted the front of the intake, I might smooth it out more later. The line behind the canopy was intentional, I made it with inlet trim to separate the canopy panel from the rest of the fuselage
Asteroid this looks so nice!
Just watch out on the jets, they look a bit rough, especially the front intake, there's a noticable edge hangin out, oh and behind the canopy too
Knowing you I'm sure you'll fix it easily tho
Looking forward to seeing this release!
@SneakySniper literally no need to diss those two mate
they're just building
i could point out plenty of errors on some of your builds too
but i choose not to, because i'm nice
hehe yeah boi @asteroidbook345
@SneakySniper looks like Bogdan fixed his landing gear. His Catalina is safe...for now...
@Fox00One ok but default isn’t me so how does that prove stuff
@asteroidbook345 but default pinged us here-
@Fox00One it’s not bandwagoning. I’m choosing to build an Su-25 because I like it as a plane and I want to try a new wing technique
@asteroidbook345 but you cant bandwagon whenever you want to