top story
Snipe121314 is coming back. I hope he has reformed.
community news
The first Simpleplanes Carol by bardofbricks is here! I made a new Carol also.
Cedy117 has reached platinum! Congrats!
Krathar found the first plane ever.
Lucky13 thinks we need downvotes.
New update leaked!
newspaper news
New position open. Application details there!
Here is the paper's website. made by RBEEDUDE1.
New section: ask lucasmah! Ask me a question in the comments, and I will answer it in the paper, it doesn't even have to be a simpleplanes related question!
personal question
I need a screen recorder
I am close to silver!
new user of the week
Here is the new user of the week!
Author, editor, and reporter: lucasmah
Website designer: RBEEDUDE1
@Lucasmah Congrats bro!!
@RBEEDUDE1 @Nightraider @General360 @DeezDucks @Lucky13 @AeroEngineering i am silver!!!
@Nightraider for a link you do this: [words that qhen clicked or tapped lead to link] (url) just remove the space between the brackets and the parenthesis.
@Lucasmah sweet!
@Lucasmah I'm gonna upload my reviews on my own forum post so people can comment. I can't add links because I'm on iPad but you can make the link to your post
@General360 forgot about that @DeezDucks I only did some stories, not all of them. @RBEEDUDE1 I can do that, easily.
@Lucasmah Can you link the users names to their profiles?
Nothing about me?
@General360 what is it?
Whoa, my void-shouting actually worked
@lucasmah snipe121314 just repented. Look in the new section on forums