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Finally, the results are in!

14.3k Griffon1  3.8 years ago

Sorry it tooks so long to write out, but I'm sure everyone else still in school understands how the end of the year feels...
Regardless, here is a reminder of the scoring guide:
Aesthetic: 20 pts
Narrative: 20 pts
Creativity: 10 points (Bonus for really unique ideas)
Flyability: 5 points
Optimization: 5 pts
Total: /50 pts

Before listing the winners, I will list out the entries as they are organized in the successor list:

XF-14 by @GuyGolk

Aesthetic: 20/20 pts
Narrative: 18/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 points
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 48/50 pts
The paint job of the XF-4 is absolutely stellar! The writing behind Skull and Rose was very angaging and I thought the interviews were a really nice touch! Not to mention this plane is a blast to fly! Despite being 3000 parts, it ran surprisingly well.

F-6 Foxhound By @QuitePossiblyMangled

Aesthetic: 15/20 pts
Narrative: 19/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 44/50 pts
While I thought the paint scheme was a bit basic (Although an explanation was given), I really enjoyed reading about Kat and Vixen Squadron! The fact that she was not the commanding officer of the squadron is a departure from the commonly used "Ace is the commander" trope. Very good writing! Not to mention he F-6 flies very well!

SF-18E by @Soulka

Aesthetic: 16/20 pts
Narrative: 17/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 43/50 pts
Ah yes... the good old hornet! I found the choice to make Ghost's backstory in real life an interesting choice, and I fully support his decision to join the Air Force! On to the aircraft itself, I like the way the emblem is presented in partial form on the tail, and I have to say it looks incredible! Otherwise, the paint scheme is quite standard, although in this case it was pulled off pretty well!

Vindicator Mk.1 by @Doomnoymo

Aesthetic: 16/20 pts
Narrative: 18/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Bonus: 3 pts
Total: 47/50 pts
The Vindicator is definitely a departure from the inspiration for this challenge, which isn't necessarily a bad thing ! As I said I want creative juices flowing! This entry is a wonderful example of that! The inspiration from early gliders really shows, and this build was wonderfully executed! It was a little sad that Burke went out the way he did though... Overall, wonderful job!

A.A.I F-4X CCV by @DarkMarble1

Ah, yes! My old friend Marble showing up after 4 months to enter my challenge! Good to have you back!
Aesthetic: 16/20 pts
Narrative: 16/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 42/50 pts
Minor complaint, but the thumbnail for the post is a tad bit deceptive in terms of the color scheme, and I think the white goes way better with the blue than the black does. It's quite admirable that Ice stayed with Zero Squadron till the end. Now that's dedication. Overall, this build is quite well done! Awesome job!

Milton Meyer, Balloon Ace, also by @Doomnoymo

Aesthetic: 14/20 pts
Narrative: 20/20 pts
Flyability: 3/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Bonus: 5 pts
Total: 47/50 pts
When I saw this entry, I genuinely thought this was the most creative of all of them. Normally when people think of aces they think, well, planes, right? This throws all of that out the window! Here we have, as the thumbnail describes, an absolute madman who strapped a machine gun to his hot air balloon! This caught me almost as surprised as his victims probably were!

TFX-014 SlyphCat by @Ouroboros

Aesthetic: 20/20 pts
Narrative: 16/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 46/50 pts
The TFX-014 SlyphCat has to be the coolest looking aircraft I have seen in the entry list, complete with a black and white paint job and an absolute truckload of missiles? What could possibly go wrong? (I also stole the fuze input if you don't mind) Incredible!

MP-2F Dandelion by @AntiAirNuri

Aesthetic: 16/20 pts
Narrative: 18/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Bonus: 3 pts
Total: 49/50 pts
While reading through Nechelle's backstory, It was almost like reading a novel! The descriptions of the characters and events were so detailed it was hard not to give bonus points for such good writing! Although the blue and pink paint job was a bit of a contrast, I feel like the right shades and tints were used to pull it off.
(I also made the mistake when testing to fold the wings in flight... That was comical)

XFA-240 by MuizTheRailfan

Aesthetic: 18/20 pts
Narrative: 17/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 45/50 pts
This plane overall is pretty slick looking, with it's black and red paint.

SO-20 by @TwistedWarshipDude

Aesthetic: 17/20 pts
Narrative: 12/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 39/50 pts
While I do like the use of color (mmm purble) and the detail put into the description of the aircraft, There wasn't much about the pilots themselves. It pains me to have to rate this plane so relatively low...

XDF-25-SBS by @AzureCorp

Aesthetic: 19/20 pts
Narrative: 16/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 45/50 pts
I have to say, this aircraft looks absolutely killer! Although, I have to ask, why did Phantom 1 go on to become a fighter pilot if he doesn't like closed spaces? Regardless, good work!

TF-461M3 and TF-33M3A by @AtlasMilitaryIndustries

Aesthetic: 18/20 pts
Narrative: 15/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 43/50 pts
Sorry for lumping both posts together, but I was running short on time, but Atlas' experience with "Ace" paint schemes really payed off in this challenge, but the actual descriptions seem to not have gone into too much detail. I hate to rank it as low as I did...

MeGetEs by @Esjope

Aesthetic: 17/20 pts
Narrative: 19/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 46/50 pts
The history behind this plane and it's pilot are very interesting! The paint scheme itself though utilizes a maroon color I don't see very often in plane design. Well done!

AMXF-49 by Buricorp

Aesthetic: 19/20 pts
Narrative: 18/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 48/50 pts
While the aircraft itself is quite unusual, the paint scheme is what really caught my eye. This is the only plane to use a gradient, which pairs with the unusual trailing edge angle quite well!

JPA-23 by Ruskiwaffle1991

Aesthetic: 16/20 pts
Narrative: 18/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 44/50 pts
While the paint scheme is quite simplistic, as well as the backstory, said backstory easily conveys Jakub Piotr's character.

Tadashi Hirano, The Red Devil by @simplememes

Aesthetic: 17/20 pts
Narrative: 18/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 45/50 pts
The universe set up by this entry is quite intriguing. Keep up the good work!

XASF-113 by @GreyGhost

Aesthetic: 18/20 pts
Narrative: 17/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 45/50 pts
Kei Nagashiro's (HMM sounds familiar...) airplane uses the combination of orange and black, not often used but was pulled off well in this instance. I also noted that the cockpit seems to be painted over... COFFIN, perhaps?

Treecreeper F.19 by juanwingedangel

Aesthetic: 17/20 pts
Narrative: 15/20 pts
Flyability: 5/5 pts
Optimization: 5/5 pts
Total: 42/50 pts
Another entry with orange and (Almost) black, I found, while testing, that the plane is quite hard to turn. It is quite fast, however. Wonderful!

And finally, the moment we've all been waiting for:

1st place: Nechelle's MP2-F by AntiAirNuri!

2nd place: XF-14 -Skull and Rose- by GuyFolk!

3rd place: AMXF-46 by Buricorp!


I wish to take a moment to thank everyone for entering my challenge! I just want to make it clear that even if you didn't get the top spots, that does not mean I did not like your entry! Everyone did spectacular!
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    1,234 Simplememes

    Damn I'm late to this, but thank you a lot,I really enjoyed this

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    "I have to ask, why did Phantom 1 go on to become a fighter pilot if he doesn't like closed spaces? Regardless, good work!"

    i forgot that plot hole, i should fix that eventually....

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    @Souka whups. That was sa misspelling. Was supposed to be you. My apologies.

    3.7 years ago
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    68.8k Homemade1

    Who is soulka?

    3.7 years ago
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    51.4k ShinyGemsBro

    Well at least I got myself a new character. Well done to the winners and listed

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    885 Buricorp

    Not bad!

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    @Archanis2ElectricBoogaloo My Ace Challenge that took way too long to grade

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    6,983 Kwoshent

    What challenge is this?

    3.8 years ago
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    5,199 AntiAirNuri

    Ayy! I knew a pair of tits would win over the Balloon Ace!
    Cheers guys!

    +2 3.8 years ago
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    2,115 Ouroboros

    Ey, glad you enjoyed the submission
    Kudos AntiAirNuri, Guyfolk and Buricorp on winning
    And the rest of the entrants

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    I thought the orange was red
    Now that I think about it, yeah the cockpit does look like COFFIN
    I based the name from Kei Nagase, which is not really a suprise

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    16.4k Doomnolymo

    Adios to Raleigh Burke and Milton Meyer, you two have been a great meme

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    Ayy, finally

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    Thanks everyone for entering!

    +1 3.8 years ago